own up

paź 16, 2021

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishown up phrasal verbADMITto admit that you have done something wrong, especially something that is not serious Come on, own up. Who broke it? own up to (doing) something No one owned up to breaking the window. On był zbyt przestraszony, żeby przyznać się do błędu. On nadal nie chciał przyznać się do tego, że skłamał. → own→ Patrz tabela czasownikówPrzykłady z korpusuown up- Jeśli winny nie przyzna się do winy, cała klasa zostanie ukarana.- No one owned up to breaking the window.- I made a few mistakes, but I owned up to them.own up to (doing) something- There are, however, those organizations who are rightfully fearful to owning up to the truth about their attitudes and actions.- We expect you to behave yourself in here and own up to all the charges.- Yesterday, Apple owned up to an apparent breakdown in communications.- Not if you own up to it, anyway.- Almost every environmental organization would have to have to admit up to the occasional creative exaggeration of the facts.

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